
Is the gold standard stable?

Unfortunately, a gold standard doesn't guarantee price stability. It is simply a promise made “out of thin air” to keep the money supply anchored to the supply of gold. To consider how weak such a promise can be, consider the following example. This brings us back to where we started and highlights the importance of researching Gold IRA brokers to ensure you are making the best decisions for your investments. With a gold standard, inflation, growth and the financial system are all but stable.

There are more recessions, greater swings in consumer prices and more banking crises. When things go wrong in one part of the world, distress will be transmitted more quickly and completely to others. In short, recreating a gold standard would be a colossal mistake. On a more subtle note, a stable coin is like a measuring rod that doesn't change in length.

A stable “measuring bar” of value allows us to interact effectively in the market economy. The “information contained in prices, which guide all aspects of the monetary economy”, is not corrupted by changes in the currency itself. George Gilder explained this idea expertly in The Scandal of Money (2013). Britain's original gold species pattern, with gold in circulation, was no longer feasible, as the rest of continental Europe also opted for gold.

Starting in the second half of the 19th century, Great Britain introduced its gold standard in Australia, New Zealand and the British West Indies in the form of circulating gold sovereigns, as well as banknotes convertible at the same time into sovereigns or Bank of England notes. Commercial banks converted Federal Reserve notes into gold in 1931, reducing their gold reserves and forcing them to reduce the amount of currency in circulation. In 1900, the gold dollar was declared the standard unit of account and a gold reserve was established for paper banknotes issued by the government. Most of continental Europe made the conscious decision to adopt the gold standard and, at the same time, to allow the mass of inherited (and previously depreciated) silver coins to remain unlimited legal tender and convertible at face value into a new gold coin.

If the price of gold in pounds changed, but the price of gold in dollars did not, the result would be a movement in the real exchange rate between the dollar and the pound. Almost similar gold standards were applied in Japan in 1897, in the Philippines in 1903 and in Mexico in 1905, when the previous yen or weight of 24.26 g of silver was redefined to approximately 0.75 g of gold or half a U. Under this standard, countries could hold gold reserves or dollars or pounds, except for the United States and the United Kingdom, which only had gold reserves. However, periodic increases in global gold stocks, such as the discoveries of gold in Australia and California around 1850, caused price levels to become very unstable in the short term.

The gold standard was a global agreement that laid the foundations for a practically universal fixed exchange rate regime in which international transactions were settled in gold. The United States, although formally had a bimetallic pattern (gold and silver), switched to de facto gold in 1834 and de jure in 1900, when Congress passed the Gold Standard Act. The gold standard broke during World War I, when major belligerents resorted to inflationary funding, and was briefly reinstated from 1925 to 1931 as the Gold Exchange Standard. If, for example, the central bank of France wanted to prevent the inflow of gold from increasing the country's money supply, it would sell securities in exchange for gold, thus reducing the amount of gold in circulation.

When you come to understand that money must have a stable value, free from human intervention, and you realize that linking the value of money to gold has always been the best way to achieve this objective, there is no other conclusion than a system of reference. Congress passed the Gold Reserve Act on January 30, 1934; the measure nationalized all gold by ordering Federal Reserve banks to deliver their supply to the United States. A gold standard is a monetary system in which the standard unit of economic account is based on a fixed amount of gold. .